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Do not lose hope — what you seek will be found.

Today, I also brought few stories for you that may be helpful and fill you with energy.
Ignore hatreds

"A group of frogs was passing through the jungle, when two of them fell into deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told both the frogs that there was no hope for them.
However, both frogs ignored their peers and began to try to get out of the pit. However, despite his efforts, the group of frogs still at the top of the pit was still saying that they should just leave it because they never make it.
After all, one of the frogs noticed what other people were saying and deepened their death. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, a group of frogs screamed at him to stop the pain and just die.
He ignored them, and also jumped hard and finally put him out. When he got out, the other frogs said, 'Did you not hear us?'
The frog explained to him that he was deaf, and he thought he was encouraging him full time. "
Think outside of the box

"In a small Italian city, hundreds of years ago, a small business owner possessed a large amount of loan-sharks. The loan-shark was a very old, ugly looking boy, who implicated the business owner's daughter. Was there.

He decided to give a deal to the businessman who would completely erase his debt. However, the catch was that we would only eliminate the debt if he could marry the businessman's daughter. There is no need to say that this proposal was seen with hatred.
Lone-Shark said that he would put two pebbles in one bag, one white and one black.
The daughter will then have to reach the bag and take a pebbles. If it was black, then the debt would be eradicated, but the debt-shark married him. If it was white, the debt would also be wiped, but the daughter would not have to marry a loan shark.
Standing on a pebble in the garden of the businessman, the loan shark bent over and grabbed two pebbles. Whenever he was raising them, the daughter saw that she picked up two black pebbles and placed them in the bag.
Then they asked the daughter to reach the bag and take one.
Daughter had three options naturally that she could do:
Refuses to take a pebble from the bag.
Take out both pebbles and expose the loan-shark for fraud.
To know perfectly well from the bag that he was black and sacrificed himself for his father's independence.
He drove out a pebble from the bag, and 'accidentally' dropped it among other pebbles before seeing it. He told Lone-Shark;
Cl Oh, I'm so stupid. No matter, if you look at that leftover bag, you will be able to tell which pebbles I picked up. '
The remaining pebble in the bag is clearly black, and due to lack of exposure in the form of a lone-shark, he also had to play that the pebbles damaged by the daughter was white, and clean up his father's debt. "

Enjoy this moment

After spending almost every eight minutes with Angel, I knew that I had to tell him just one thing. So late at night, before he slept, I whispered in his ear. He smiled - the kind of smile reminds me - and he said, 'When I am seventy-five and I think about my life and it was like being young, I hope I can remember this moment Am '
After a few seconds he closed his eyes and slept. The room was quiet - almost quiet. All I could hear was the soft thunder of his breath. I kept thinking about the time when we spent together and all the options in our life which made this moment possible. And at some point, I realized that it does not matter what we did or where we went. Neither did the future have any significance.
Whatever was important was the peace of the moment.
Just stay with her and breathe with her.
Learn from your problems
"A man's favorite ass falls into a deep hunt, no matter how hard he tries, can not get him out. So he decides to bury her alive.
The soil is cast from the top to the ass. The ass feels the load, it shakes it, and moves on it. More soil is cast.
It shakes it and moves the step. The higher the load was, the more increased. By noon, the donkey was roaming in green pastures. "


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