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A unique way to eliminate many problems

A unique way to eliminate many problems 

Yoga is the only way to eliminate all problem of life.The significance of yoga is presented by Yogacharya Maharshi Patanjali as formulas in Yogogharshan.
 Jivatma is the only Yoga to become completely united with God. According to Yogacharya Maharshi Patanjali, "Setting your mind at one place is Yoga. "Yogasta detention detention" l meaning that control of the mind's thoughts is yoga. Ito link. Jivatma is the only Yoga to become completely united with God. According to Yogacharya Maharshi Patanjali, "Setting your mind at one place is Yoga. "Yogasta detention detention" l meaning that control of the mind's thoughts is yoga.

 Benefit of yoga:

Stress relief
Yoga makes you feel free from all the anxieties of the day. By doing yoga, you get rid of not only physical but mental anxieties. Yoga, pranayama and meditation are effective remedies for removing stress.

The ability to make right decisions at the right time
Yoga-meditation improves the power of intuition. By which the mind is calm and has the knowledge of making right decisions at the right time. The more you practice Yoga, the more benefits you get.

Correlation improvement
By doing yoga, our mind is worry free, so family relationships are good. Anxious, happy and contented mind plays well in relation. Yoga and meditation bring happiness and peace to the mind.

Immense peace
Yoga can be enjoyed by walking on peaceful, beautiful and natural places. Yoga and meditation are the best way to calm down the mind full of anxiety.

Improve body resistance
By doing yoga, our body's immune system develops. Depression and fatigue are the causes of disease in the body. Yoga keeps the limbs in normal condition and gives power to the muscles. Pranayama and meditation remove tension, thereby improving the resistance. By doing yoga, there is an increase in white blood sugar in the blood.

Weight loss
By doing yoga, the weight of the body can also be reduced. For this Surya Namaskar and Kapalabhati Pranayama should be done. By regularly practicing yoga, we understand so much about what kind of food we should eat.

Increase in energy
By doing yoga, the exhaustion of the entire day can be eliminated and communication of a new energy is done. Only a few minutes of yoga-meditation keep you filled with freshness and energy throughout the day. Yoga makes your body strong and strengthens musaphasio. Yoga relaxes in physical pain.

Stomach related disease
Yoga can also be relieved by stomach related diseases. There is some such posture of yoga which can benefit from constipation, indigestion, inflammation etc. in the stomach.

Relieve epilepsy
Yoga is very effective, it is also beneficial for epilepsy patients. According to experts, epilepsy can also be cured through yoga. Analogum is considered to be the best for this.

And lot of more benefit of yoga like
Sleep Sickness - Some people do not sleep at night or have a sleeping disorder. They should also do Yogasana so that they can get normal sleep. Yoga is also helpful in removing anger.

If waist pain, throat pain, pain in the knee, or pain in the head, you can get rid of all these pains by practicing Yoga, as well as increasing the immune system, you can also get rid of cancer-like diseases.
To avoid heat, it is beneficial to have a shital pranayana.
Yoga is very helpful in reducing body obesity. Yoga should be done to remove waist fat, stomach fat or throat fat. Yoga is very useful in fighting women with breast cancer.
Yoga is considered as an exact remedy for skin-related diseases such as scabies-itching. Also to get rid of arthritis disease, the support of yoga is very useful.
Yoga can be done to eliminate facial wrinkles, as well as get rid of kill-mumps and shine on the face.
Yoga makes the body flexible. It results in energy in the body, power of working increases and puberty persists for longer periods of time.

The blood of different capillaries of the body can be purified by different Yogasons.

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