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Lets finish stress from the life,make it enjoyable....

Life is always bring adventure to you friends.It seems hard and resistance full in the journey of life.Some time ,we try to quit the life because of struggle.So ,I try to guide you, bring joy to life.
First ,When ever you feel sad to yourself .So please look and feel at all around you.You will realise ,you are not only sad in the world,you have plenty of things others do not even have.The things I just told you will probably know guys already. But we never think about it.
.....................................*********.......................Lets move your life ahead.........
Please give sometime to yourself.(I mean to say that sit relax and try attain peace of mind).It seems hard at starting to do ,continous practice of three and four will feel calm and understand the beauty of life.
Don't think about your past and future .just try to concentrate on your present .But never forget the mistake of past,
Friends I want to tell you my experience that mistakes show that even by mistake do not be repeat  mistake .You should learn from mistake.
Next about your food😉
What your heart do. You should eat you. Don't think you are vegetarian or not.Sometime you can ignore it, trying new things in the life help to make life crispy.....
Lets move ahead ....
Try to talk with stranger,if someone talk to you .It help to you build your confidence.but please dont insult and argue to someone.because life is so big ,there should be no place for revenge and bitterness....time erase all things and never stop.

Friends try to live your life happyness and easly
We will meet next chapter of that journey....

Last time ,I talked like friend
Today I will talk like your bestie....😜

 Stop overanalyzing situations that haven’t even happened yet.

It’s easy to spend time in the world of worst-case scenarios. People tend to cultivate this world for one of two reasons. First, because if you know what the worst-case scenario is, then it won’t surprise you when it happens. Second, if you know what the worst-case scenario is, then you can do everything in your power to control the universe so the worst case never happens. If that’s really the world you want to cultivate, then become a professional risk assessor. If not, then ask yourself how you are benefiting from continuing to live that way. Does it make you feel better about yourself and your life? Does it make you want to leap out of bed in the morning eager to embrace the worst-case scenario? Does it bring you joy or fulfillment? If your answer to these three questions is no, then stop it!

 Stop taking on other people’s problems.

The whole advantage of other people having problems is that they aren’t your problems. When you frequently take on other people’s problems, you get into the habit of enabling. Let’s get crystal clear about the definition of enabling: enabling is the art of continuing to take responsibility for other people, thereby disallowing their personal responsibility. Some people develop addiction to drugs, alcohol or food. Others choose the seemingly kinder, gentler addiction of enabling. It is of no service to other people to take on their problems because they can’t/won’t/don’t know how to fix the problem. It is of service to empower others to take responsibility for themselves and their lives, to encourage, teach and motivate others to address their own problems.

 Stop living only in the past and the future. Get present in the moment.

Being present in the moment involves being in your body and feeling your feelings — two things that lots of folks actually don’t know how to do. Ask yourself these two questions: What does fear feel like in your body? What are you afraid of? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, you probably aren’t able to be present in the moment. Being present involves vulnerability, humility and openness. Being in the past or the future involves living in your head and ignoring what’s going on in your body and emotions. The past and the future stop being so relevant and intriguing when you’re able to be in your body and feel your feelings. When you can do these two things you actually want to be in the present moment.

Stop surrounding yourself with people who don’t make you happy.

Honestly, what kind of people do you really like to be around? People who get you, who see you clearly, who accept you flaws and all; people you can be yourself with; people who have shared interests? How many of those people are in your life? What characteristics do all of the other people in your life have? Why are you compromising by continuing to invest time and energy in people who don’t make you happy? Do they make you look good? Do you have a story that you have to or need to spend time with them in order to be a better person or because there is no one else to hang out with? Are you tired of me asking so many questions? Great! Because I’m tired of you spending time with people who don’t make you happy.
May I suggest owning a goldfish instead?

Stop working at a job that you see no future with.

You don’t have to stay at a job just because it pays the bills. Most people spend more time working than sleeping. The average person spends 40 to 80 hours a week — or 2,000 to 4,000 hours a year — working. That is a significant investment! If your best friend or child told you that they were going to spend 4,000 hours giving their emotional, mental and physical energy to something (or someone) that wasn’t going to value them, give anything back to them, or pay them what they were worth what advice would you offer? Give that same advice to yourself.

Stop taking on more than you can handle.

Busyness is an addiction. Slowing down can actually be terrifying because it causes you to notice that you have feelings and causes you to actually feel them. I get it. By the time I slowed down I had decades of busyness under my belt. I went into a tailspin depression because I didn’t understand how to be in right relationship with my own emotions. When I finally figured out that feelings are just feelings, and allowing them to express themselves is healthy and natural, I stopped experiencing withdrawal from my addiction to busyness and started figuring out the pace of life that felt best for me. Remarkably, I discovered that I don’t actually like being busy. What will you discover about yourself .
Ok friends
Good bye....


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